File a complaint against one of the entities or individuals that the Iowa Insurance Division regulates.
Steps to File an Insurance Complaint
Step 1: Determine Eligibility to File
- To be eligible to file a complaint with the Iowa Insurance Division;
- The policy must have been issued in the state of Iowa
- The group policy must have been issued to an employer based in Iowa
- The offer, sale, or purchase of a security or investment occurred in the state of Iowa
- You cannot file a complaint with the Iowa Insurance Division if your policy was issued or purchased in another state.
- Please contact the appropriate regulatory agency or insurance department of the state in which the policy was issued or purchased for help. Even though an insurance company has its home base in the state of Iowa, the state in which the policy was issued or purchased has jurisdiction in handling those complaints.
- Please contact the appropriate regulatory agency or insurance department of the state in which the policy was issued or purchased for help. Even though an insurance company has its home base in the state of Iowa, the state in which the policy was issued or purchased has jurisdiction in handling those complaints.
Step 2: Gather Information
- Collect all relevant documents: insurance policy, correspondence, claim forms, claim numbers, etc.
- Note important details: policy number, dates, names of representatives spoken to.
- Please Note: Without specific policy information, we may be unable to move forward with the complaint investigation.
Step 3: How to File a Complaint with the Iowa Insurance Division
The Online Complaint Form is the preferred & most efficient method of filing a complaint. For the most timely response, please use the Online Form Submission Link below.
What can I expect after filing a complaint?
- If submitted online, you will receive a confirmation of receipt via an automated email.
- The Division will send a copy of your complaint to the insurance company and ask them to review and respond to us regarding your concerns. We will work with the company to address resolvable issues once their response is received.
- We will provide you with an explanation of our review along with suggested steps that you can take to have your concerns evaluated if it is outside of our authority.
- Your complaint becomes part of the company's and/or insurance producer's record with our agency and we monitor this for conduct trends.
- Typically, the overall complaint process can take up to 30-45 days from receipt of the complaint and our review of the information from the company.
Get Investigation Results from Insurance Complaints
- We will provide you with an explanation of the company's response and our review.
- We may suggest steps that you can take to have your concerns evaluated if it is outside of our authority.
- Your complaint becomes part of the company's and/or insurance producer's record with our agency.
- We monitor companies and insurance producers for trends in their conduct.