The Iowa Insurance Division promulgates administrative rules to administer, supervise, and enforce laws under the purview of the insurance commissioner.  For rule making, the Iowa Insurance Division follows the processes set forth in Iowa Code chapter 17A.


Executive Order 10 - Rulemaking Information

Pursuant to Executive Order 10, the Iowa Insurance Division will be reviewing its existing Administrative Rules in accordance with this schedule. More information about Executive Order 10 is available on the Department of Management’s website.  View the information on the regulatory analysis of the chapters that have been reviewed by the Iowa Insurance Division.


Public Participation

Public participation is encouraged in the rule making process.  The public may provide written comments and, in most instances, attend a public hearing.  Anyone interested in providing public comment for the public hearing can do so orally or in writing.  Submit a written comment on a pending rule by visiting the state of Iowa’s administrative rule page


Pending Rules, Recently Adopted Rules, and Declaratory Orders

The rules tracker includes important information for each rule including the Notice of Intended Action, hearing date, comment deadline, and the effective date.  The rules tracker also links to all of the Iowa Insurance Division’s adopted rules.

Any person or agency may file a petition with the insurance division for a declaratory order as to the applicability to specified circumstances of a statute, rule or order within the primary jurisdiction of the division. 

All petitions for a declaratory order must be submitted in writing to the Division’s Rule Making Process contact.

Information on filing a petition for rule-making and petition for declaratory order with the Iowa Insurance Division is included in the following administrative rules:

Waiver or Variance

A waiver or variance is an exception or exemption from the requirements of an administrative rule. View a listing of waivers and variances.

Information on filing a petition for waiver with the Iowa Insurance Division is included in the following administrative rule:

All petitions for a waiver or variance must be submitted in writing to the Division by contacting the specific bureau responsible.   If you are uncertain of which bureau to direct your petition for a waiver or variance to, submit the petition to the Division’s Rule Making Process contact.