* Minimum premium tax is $5,000 and maximum premium tax is $100,000. ** No maximum premium tax is applicable to protected cell captives. *** Premium tax filings are due March 1.
Iowa Captive Insurance Company Premium Tax Rates
In MillionsDirect Premium Tax RateAssumed Premium Tax Rate
$0 - $200.35%0.20%
$20 - $400.25%0.125%
$40 - $600.25%0.045%

* Minimum premium tax is $5,000 and maximum premium tax is $100,000.
** No maximum premium tax is applicable to protected cell captives.
*** Premium tax filings are due March 1.

Captive Company Fees
Captive Company Fees
Certificate of Authority Licensing Fee$200
Annual Renewal Registration Fee (due April 1)$300

* These fees apply to each captive, each individual series of members of a limited liability company, and each protected cell.
** Outside legal, financial, and examination services may be utilized, and the reasonable cost may be charged to the applicant.

Minimum Required Capital
Minimum Required Capital and Surplus by Captive Type:
Pure Captive$250,000 
Industrial Insured Captive$500,000 
Protected Cell Captive*$500,000 
Risk Retention Group$500,000 
Branch CaptiveThe same as required above for the organizational form of the alien captive.
Captive Reinsurance Company50% of the capital required above for the organizational form of the captive
Special Purpose CaptiveDetermined after considering the business plan, feasibility study, pro forma documents, and the nature of the risk.

* The minimum required capital and surplus for a protected cell captive that does not assume any risks, the risk insured by the protected cells are homogenous, and there are not more than ten cells may be reduced to $250,000.