Insurers may have additional requirements beyond filing rates and forms.

Company Appointments of Insurance Producers

Insurers are required to file appointments with the division for each producer with which the producer has an agency relationship. See more detailed instructions regarding appointments.  See more detailed instructions regarding renewal appointments. See more detailed instructions regarding appointment terminations.  Insurance companies are required to keep up-to-date company appointment contact person’s information on file with the Iowa Insurance Division that includes their name, address, and email.

Company appointments relative to actuaries

Life insurance companies and fraternal benefit societies doing business in Iowa must identify ​an "appointed actuary"​ that is appointed or retained to prepare the statement of actuarial opinion required by Iowa Administrative Code rule 191-5.34.  Companies must also notify the Iowa Insurance Division when the actuary ceases to be appointed or retained as required by Iowa Administrative Code rule 191-5.34(5)(c).

Periodic Updates

Periodic updates to corporate records may result in retaliatory fees.

Affordable Care Act (ACA) Insurer Resources

To ensure compliance with the ACA, insurers must conform to filing timelines and established geographic rating areas.  Additionally, carriers must follow all the federal requirements established by CMS that are published annually in the Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters and Letter to the Issuers.

Health Insurers

There are procedures in place regarding External ReviewExperimental or Investigational Review, and Long-term Care Review.  There are also reporting requirements for the Iowa Individual Health Benefit Reinsurance Association (IIHBRA)