The Iowa Insurance Division is responsible for issuing licenses or authority for many types of regulated individuals dealing with insurance related products.  See the information below to check on the license or authority of an individual regulated by the Iowa Insurance Division.

Insurance Producers

Insurance producers licensed to do business in Iowa can check the status of their license, verify the expiration date, check company appointments, and verify lines of authority through State Based Systems's (SBS) License Services.  Check out the Enforcement Order page to see any formal actions that the Iowa Insurance Division has brought against individuals. 

Insurance producers can also print their license. Please complete the appropriate forms to request a change of name or doing business as (DBA) namechange of address, or to voluntarily surrender a license. Update your phone number or email address through the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR).  If you are an office administrator wishing to check on the license status or continuing education status of a licensed producer a SBS Connect account is required.

In many instances, unlicensed personnel assist licensed insurance producers. Both the licensed insurance producer and the unlicensed personnel need to be aware of what unlicensed personnel may or may not do.

Public Adjusters

Public adjusters licensed to do business in Iowa can check the status of their license and verify the expiration date.  Public adjusters can also print their license.  Please complete the appropriate forms to request a change of name or doing business as (DBA) namechange of address, or to voluntarily surrender a license. Update your phone number or email address through the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR). If you are an office administrator wishing to check on the license status or continuing education status of a licensed producer a SBS Connect account is required.


Iowa navigators licensed to do business in Iowa can check the status of their license and verify the expiration date. Navigators can also print their license.  Please complete the appropriate forms to request a change of name or doing business as (DBA) namechange of address, or to voluntarily surrender a license.  Update your phone number or email address through the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR).  All active navigator licensees must be currently affiliated with a navigator entity holding a current federal navigator grant. If you are an office administrator wishing to check on the license status or continuing education status of a licensed producer a SBS Connect account is required. 

Viatical Settlement Brokers

Individuals with Viatical Settlement Brokers authority in Iowa can check the status of their authority.  Please complete the appropriate forms to request a change of name or doing business as (DBA) namechange of address, or to voluntarily surrender a license.

List items for Insurance Producers & Related Professionals > License Status