All individual insurance producers conducting business in Iowa must be licensed. Business entities, such as corporations, associations, partnerships, limited liabilities companies, limited liability partnerships, or other legal entities may choose to become licensed by completing an application and paying the $50 license fee through the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR), following the requirements in Iowa Administrative Code rule 191.10.18

Please complete the appropriate forms to request a change to the business entity name or doing business as (DBA) name, to request a change to the business entity address, to request a change of the designated responsible license producer (DRLP), or to voluntarily surrender a license. Update your phone number or email address through the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR).

Business entity licenses may be renewed, however, should a business entity’s license expire, they must re-apply as new.

Click here for a listing of producer business entities licensed in Iowa.

List items for Producer Business Entities - FAQ