Annuity Product Training

An insurance producer who engages in the sale of annuity products shall complete a one-time four-credit training course approved by the Iowa Insurance Division and provided by an education provider approved by the insurance division.

See Iowa Administrative Code section 191-15.76.

Index Product Training

A producer who wishes to sell indexed products in Iowa shall complete at least one four-credit indexed products training course, as described in this division, prior to providing any advice or making any sales presentation concerning an indexed product.

See Iowa Administrative Code sections 191-15.80 to 191-15.87.

Long-Term Care Training

After January 1, 2010, an insurance company must be able to document that a producer who wishes to sell a long-term care insurance policy on behalf of that insurer has obtained certain required training before permitting the producer to sell, solicit or negotiate the insurer’s long-term care insurance products.

The required training is of two types:

a. one one-time training course of at least eight CE credits in subjects related to long-term care insurance, Iowa Medicaid and partnership prior to selling any long-term care insurance; and

b. thereafter, for producers wishing to continue to sell long-term care insurance, ongoing training of four CE credits in subjects related to long-term care insurance, Iowa Medicaid and partnership for each CE term.

See Iowa Administrative Code section 191-39.15(4).

To locate approved courses for the trainings:

Pearson Vue, the vendor the Iowa Insurance Division uses for our Continuing Education Provider and Continuing Education Course approvals keeps a frequently-updated list of courses approved for producer continuing education.  

For their lists, visit Then click on the Vertafore link “Lookup Education Courses or Transcript”   On the next screen under “Inquiries”:  Use the link: “Approved courses inquiry” then Select “Iowa” and submit.  Next select the “Course Category” you are needing the training.  When completed,  the Continuing Education Provider will issue you an Iowa Certificate of Completion form.  Retain this form in your file as proof of the training completion.