Des Moines - Steven Hoeppner, age 50, of Waterloo, Iowa, pled guilty to one count of Insurance Fraud - Presenting False Information (Class D Felony) and one count of Tampering with Records (Aggravated Misdemeanor) following an investigation by the Iowa Insurance Division’s Fraud Bureau.

“Insurance fraud is not a victimless crime.  We all pay for insurance fraud in the form of higher insurance costs,” Iowa Insurance Commissioner Doug Ommen said.  “I appreciate the hard work of our Fraud Bureau and all who participated in the prosecution of this case so Mr. Hoeppner was held accountable for his actions.”

The investigation began in May of 2020 after the Fraud Bureau received a complaint that Hoeppner made false statements in support of a claim after a fall at a local elementary school.  Using video surveillance, investigators were able to verify that no fall occurred as described in the claim.  Investigators also discovered that falsified documents were provided in support of the claim for medical appointments and lost wages in an attempt to obtain insurance benefits Hoeppner was not entitled to.

Following his guilty plea, Hoeppner received a 5 year suspended prison sentence, up to 5 years of probation, and a suspended fine of $1,375.

Iowans with information about insurance fraud are encouraged to contact the Iowa Insurance Division’s Fraud Bureau at 515-654-6556.
