Des Moines, Iowa - Dwight Jay Roberts, age 60, of Indianola, pled guilty to one count of Theft 3rd Degree (Aggravated Misdemeanor) following an investigation by the Iowa Insurance Division’s Fraud Bureau.

The investigation began in July 2019 after the Fraud Bureau received a complaint that Roberts provided false information to his insurance company concerning his physical activity and sources of income while receiving long term disability payments. The investigation determined that Roberts made multiple misrepresentations to the administrators of his long term disability policy, including misrepresenting his level of involvement in a local business. As a direct result of these misrepresentations, Roberts received disability benefits to which he was not entitled.

“Insurance fraud is not a victimless crime.  We all pay for insurance fraud in the form of higher insurance costs,” Iowa Insurance Commissioner Doug Ommen said.  “I appreciate the hard work of our Fraud Bureau and all who participated in the prosecution of this case so Mr. Roberts was held accountable for his actions.”

Following his guilty plea, Roberts received a deferred judgment and two years of probation. Roberts was ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $6,992.92 as well as a fine of $625.00 and court costs.

Iowans with information about insurance fraud are encouraged to contact the Iowa Insurance Division’s Fraud Bureau at 515-654-6556.
